Understanding Suicide – Discount Code Living24


Participants will engage in suicide prevention through the lens of empathy and personal connection. The knowledge shared will help participants engage with individuals experiencing suicidal ideation in meaningful ways without focusing explicitly on intervention strategies. A significant part of the course is represented by sharing the experience of individuals who struggle with suicidal ideation and attempt suicide to survive. We will take a direct, unflinching look at why people take their own lives, so this is not intended to be a light-hearted session. Please take the time to assess your emotional and mental readiness to be present. We take a much deeper dive into suicide than traditional intervention courses.

Learning Objectives

  • Review the historical existence of suicide and the opinions shared by different societies.
  • Examine multiple theories and contributing factors to build a holistic perspective of why people both feel suicidal and take their own lives.
  • Practice having empathy for and understanding the perspective of those who attempt or die by suicide.
  • Explore insights from attempt survivors around the experience of suicide, including its effect on the attempter as well as their loved ones.
  • Shift from seeing suicide as a choice or impulsive event to an outcome or the final step of an extended process.
Edmonton and area participants enter discount code Living24 during checkout on the provider’s website.
Dates Name of Training or Education Provider Link
Date: October 10 Training/Education: Understanding Suicide - Discount Code Living24 Provider: Imagine Institute for Learning REGISTER

TIDeS: Trauma-Informed De-escalation Strategies – Discount Code Living24


Trauma-Informed De-escalation Strategies – TIDeS

This full-day training is designed to provide participants with critical skills in using trauma-informed de-escalation strategies. Research shows that trauma is highly prevalent in the general public and will likely play a role in interactions with an escalated individual. TIDeSTM not only considers the trauma of the escalated individual but also the person providing support. Participants will take a deep dive into assessing their own attitudes, boundaries, communication styles, and debriefing strategies. There is a focus on prevention and long-term reduction of crisis situations. Intended for all areas of the community, this training provides a universal trauma-informed approach to de-escalation.


  • Understand the basics of trauma-informed care and the principles of de-escalating a potential crisis.
  • Develop skills in assessing attitudes, setting boundaries, and communicating effectively.
  • Utilize trauma-informed de-escalation strategies to encourage safe connection.
  • Explore the application of strategies in different demographics using case studies.
  • Learn strategies for debriefing following a crisis.

 This training is now available at no cost to Edmonton and area participants by using discount code Living24.

Dates Name of Training or Education Provider Link
Date: September 17 Training/Education: TIDeS: Trauma-Informed De-escalation Strategies - Discount Code Living24 Provider: Imagine Institute for Learning REGISTER
Date: October 9 Training/Education: TIDeS: Trauma-Informed De-escalation Strategies - Discount Code Living24 Provider: Imagine Institute for Learning REGISTER
Date: November 14 Training/Education: TIDeS: Trauma-Informed De-escalation Strategies - Discount Code Living24 Provider: Imagine Institute for Learning REGISTER
Date: December 10 Training/Education: TIDeS: Trauma-Informed De-escalation Strategies - Discount Code Living24 Provider: Imagine Institute for Learning REGISTER

Intergenerational Wisdom – Discount Code Living24


Intergenerational wisdom – can be described as the sharing and transmission of knowledge, beliefs, and experiences from one generation to the next. Part of this includes intergenerational trauma where trauma and pain are transmitted through generations. However, there is more to intergenerational wisdom than passing on the hurt; it also includes the transmission of hope, strength, and resilience, which helps break the cycle of trauma. This Intergenerational Wisdom training is an extension of our Trauma-Informed Care training and will take on an Indigenous perspective. This training was built with the belief that there is resilience in education. Through the sharing of knowledge, it is possible to learn, grow, and find the capacity to create stronger relationships and a healthier future for everyone residing on the lands we share. Join us on this two-day training to reframe the way you think about intergenerational trauma and develop a deeper understanding of the trauma and resilience continually experienced in Indigenous communities in Alberta. This training will include a combination of science and narratives from Indigenous peoples, allowing for an informative and humanizing experience.


  • Build awareness about the trauma experienced by Indigenous peoples in Alberta
  • Understand the various ways trauma is passed on through generations and the role trauma is still playing in Indigenous communities
  • Reframe the way we perceive intergenerational trauma into a learning opportunity and a story of resilience
  • Reflect on the wisdom shared and the next steps to break the cycle of trauma

Edmonton and area participants enter discount code Living24 during checkout on the provider’s website.

Dates Name of Training or Education Provider Link
Date: August 7 & 8 Training/Education: Intergenerational Wisdom - Discount Code Living24 Provider: Imagine Institute for Learning REGISTER

Building Psychological Safety in the Workplace – Discount Code Living24


Writer Annie Dillard said, “How we spend our days is, of course, how we spend our lives.” Many of us spend a large portion of our day at work. In fact, the average person will spend 90,000 hours at work over a lifetime. It is safe to say that your job greatly impacts your quality of life. In this two-day session, we talk about the role of the internal narrative that accompanies the workloads, relationships and challenges faced within the work environment. The session includes interactive activities, research on psychological safety and a toolkit full of activities and assessments that you can use to move from existing to thriving at work.

  • Create a safe environment to learn from the wisdom in the room and use trauma-informed practices to engage in uncomfortable conversations in a safe way.
  • Explore the foundations and application of psychological safety as it relates to inclusion, learning, contribution, and challenging environments.
  • Employ practical workplace strategies and interventions to prioritize self-advocacy and agile conversations.
  • Discuss real-time challenges and opportunities to support a healthy and sustainable work environment.

Edmonton and area participants enter discount code Living24 during checkout on the provider’s website.

Dates Name of Training or Education Provider Link
Date: August 27 & 28 Training/Education: Building Psychological Safety in the Workplace – Discount Code Living24 Provider: Imagine Institute for Learning REGISTER
Date: November 5 & 6 Training/Education: Building Psychological Safety in the Workplace – Discount Code Living24 Provider: Imagine Institute for Learning REGISTER

Our Children Are Sacred – Youth Suicide Prevention Course

A youth suicide prevention course and resource for adults interacting with individuals at risk for suicide.


This 2-day interactive course is designed to increase awareness on the preventative and protective factors that put people at risk for suicide, and provides participants with the skills to respond to a person considering suicide.

Our Children Are Sacred is a Youth Suicide Prevention Course and resource for adults interacting with individuals at risk for suicide. This 2-day interactive course is designed to increase awareness, reduce stigma and provide information about those factors that put people at risk for suicide, while empowering participants to respond appropriately to a person considering suicide.

For more information click here.

LivingWorks Start


In just one hour online, LivingWorks Start teaches trainees to recognize when someone is thinking about suicide and connect them to help and support.

LivingWorks Start teaches valuable skills to everyone 13 and older and requires no formal training or prior experience in suicide prevention.

When you sign up for LivingWorks Start training, you’ll learn a powerful four-step model to keep someone safe from suicide, and you’ll have a chance to practice it with impactful simulations.

Safety resources and support are available throughout the program.

Name of Training or Education Link
Online (These courses are available online, and can be completed at any time)
Training/Education: LivingWorks Start Register

Trauma Informed Care (Virtual) – Discount Code Living24


This two-day introductory training acknowledges the prevalence and significant impact of trauma in an individual’s life and aims to inform service providers how to apply a trauma-informed lens to their current practice.

This workshop will define and describe the six main trauma-informed principles outlined in the literature and will
focus on how to translate these principles into practice.

By the end of this workshop, participants will be able to:

  • Define trauma and understand the different types of trauma
  • Identify the signs and symptoms of trauma
  • Understand the impacts and effects of trauma
  • Define and understand trauma-informed practice
  • Identify the main principles of trauma-informed practice
  • Understand how to implement trauma-informed principles at the organizational, personal and practice level
  • Reflect on how this knowledge fits into your current work
  • Recognize the impact working with trauma can have on a practitioner and understand the importance of self-care and reflective practice
Edmonton and area participants enter discount code Living24 during checkout on the provider’s website.
Dates Name of Training or Education Provider Link
Date: August 19 & 20 Training/Education: Trauma Informed Care (Virtual) - Discount Code Living24 Provider: Imagine Institute for Learning REGISTER
Date: September 19 & 20 Training/Education: Trauma Informed Care (Virtual) - Discount Code Living24 Provider: Imagine Institute for Learning REGISTER
Date: October 8 & 9 Training/Education: Trauma Informed Care (Virtual) - Discount Code Living24 Provider: Imagine Institute for Learning REGISTER
Date: November 14 & 15 Training/Education: Trauma Informed Care (Virtual) - Discount Code Living24 Provider: Imagine Institute for Learning REGISTER
Date: December 5 & 6 Training/Education: Trauma Informed Care (Virtual) - Discount Code Living24 Provider: Imagine Institute for Learning REGISTER

Counselling on Access to Lethal Means


Reducing access to lethal means, such as firearms and medication, can determine whether a person at risk for suicide lives or dies.

This course is about how to reduce access to the methods people use to kill themselves. It covers who needs lethal means counseling and how to work with people at risk for suicide—and their families—to reduce access.

After completing this course you will be able to:

  • Explain that reducing access to lethal means is an evidence-based strategy for suicide prevention.
  • Explain how reducing access to lethal means can prevent suicide.
  • Identify clients for whom lethal means counseling is appropriate.
  • Describe strategies for raising the topic of lethal means, and feel more comfortable and competent applyingthese strategies with clients.
  • Advise clients on specific off-site and in-home secure storage options for firearms and strategies to limitaccess to dangerous medications.
  • Work with your clients and their families to develop a specific plan to reduce access to lethal means andfollow up on the plan over time.

While this course is primarily designed for mental health professionals, others who work with people at risk
for suicide, such as health care providers and social service professionals, may also benefit. This course can be
completed in approximately two hours. You do not have to complete the course in one session. You can exit the
course at any time and return later to the place where you left off.

Name of Training or Education Link
Online (These courses are available online, and can be completed at any time)
Training/Education: Counselling on Access to Lethal Means Register

QPR Online Gatekeeper Training (Virtual) – Discount Code Living24


QPR offers extended learning opportunities for professions which are especially likely to come into contact with individuals who are in-crisis or suicidal.

Key components covered in the training:

  • How to Question, Persuade and Refer someone who may be suicidal
  • How to get help for yourself or learn more about preventing suicide
  • The common causes of suicidal behavior
  • The warning signs of suicide
  • How to get help for someone in crisis

This education is intended for professional practitioners and agency staff for the intention of expanding practice
and offering applied learning opportunities.

Edmonton and area participants enter discount code Living24 during checkout on the provider’s website.


Dates Name of Training or Education Provider Link
Date: August 14 Training/Education: QPR Online Gatekeeper Training (Virtual) - Discount Code Living24 Provider: Imagine Institute for Learning REGISTER
Date: September 26 Training/Education: QPR Online Gatekeeper Training (Virtual) - Discount Code Living24 Provider: Imagine Institute for Learning REGISTER
Date: October 16 Training/Education: QPR Online Gatekeeper Training (Virtual) - Discount Code Living24 Provider: Imagine Institute for Learning REGISTER
Date: November 5 Training/Education: QPR Online Gatekeeper Training (Virtual) - Discount Code Living24 Provider: Imagine Institute for Learning REGISTER

Applied Suicide Intervention Skills Training (ASIST) – CMHA Edmonton


Attending this two-day course will train you to intervene with an individual who is suicidal.

Applied Suicide Intervention Skills Training (ASIST) is an intensive, interactive, and practice-dominated course
designed to help caregivers recognize and review risk, and intervene to prevent the immediate risk of suicide. It is
by far the most widely used, acclaimed and researched suicide intervention training workshop in the world.

Learning Objectives

  • Recognize that caregivers and persons at risk are affected by personal and societal attitudes about suicide
  • Discuss suicide with a person at risk in a direct manner
  • Identify risk alerts and develop a safe plan related to them
  • Demonstrate the skills required to intervene with a person at risk of suicide
  • List the types of resources available to a person at risk of suicide, including themselves
  • Make a commitment to improving community resources and networking

Recognize that suicide prevention is broader than suicide intervention and, includes life promotion and self-care
for persons at risk and for caregivers


Ages 18+ – Participants can include but not limited to: parents and caregivers; natural helpers and advisors;
educators and ministers; health practitioners; justice, law enforcers, emergency workers, and community

Dates Name of Training or Education Provider Link
Date: July 29 & 30 Training/Education: Applied Suicide Intervention Skills Training (ASIST) - CMHA Edmonton Provider: Canadian Mental Health Association - Edmonton Region REGISTER
Date: September 19 & 20 Training/Education: Applied Suicide Intervention Skills Training (ASIST) - CMHA Edmonton Provider: Canadian Mental Health Association - Edmonton Region REGISTER
Date: October 3 & 4 Training/Education: Applied Suicide Intervention Skills Training (ASIST) - CMHA Edmonton Provider: Canadian Mental Health Association - Edmonton Region REGISTER
Date: October 31 - November 1 Training/Education: Applied Suicide Intervention Skills Training (ASIST) - CMHA Edmonton Provider: Canadian Mental Health Association - Edmonton Region REGISTER
Date: November 14 & 15 Training/Education: Applied Suicide Intervention Skills Training (ASIST) - CMHA Edmonton Provider: Canadian Mental Health Association - Edmonton Region REGISTER
Date: November 28 & 29 Training/Education: Applied Suicide Intervention Skills Training (ASIST) - CMHA Edmonton Provider: Canadian Mental Health Association - Edmonton Region REGISTER
Date: December 5 & 6 Training/Education: Applied Suicide Intervention Skills Training (ASIST) - CMHA Edmonton Provider: Canadian Mental Health Association - Edmonton Region REGISTER