
Building Psychological Safety in the Workplace – Discount Code Living24


Writer Annie Dillard said, “How we spend our days is, of course, how we spend our lives.” Many of us spend a large portion of our day at work. In fact, the average person will spend 90,000 hours at work over a lifetime. It is safe to say that your job greatly impacts your quality of life. In this two-day session, we talk about the role of the internal narrative that accompanies the workloads, relationships and challenges faced within the work environment. The session includes interactive activities, research on psychological safety and a toolkit full of activities and assessments that you can use to move from existing to thriving at work.

  • Create a safe environment to learn from the wisdom in the room and use trauma-informed practices to engage in uncomfortable conversations in a safe way.
  • Explore the foundations and application of psychological safety as it relates to inclusion, learning, contribution, and challenging environments.
  • Employ practical workplace strategies and interventions to prioritize self-advocacy and agile conversations.
  • Discuss real-time challenges and opportunities to support a healthy and sustainable work environment.

Edmonton and area participants enter discount code Living24 during checkout on the provider’s website.

Dates Name of Training or Education Provider Link
Date: November 5 & 6 Training/Education: Building Psychological Safety in the Workplace – Discount Code Living24 Provider: Imagine Institute for Learning REGISTER